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Number 30 (2014)

Wojciszke, B., Cieślak, M. (2014). Agentic and communal orientation: Correlates related to personality and social functioning

129 views 16 września, 2014 admin_a 0

Bogdan Wojciszke
Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej
Marta Cieśœlak
Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej

We present two correlational studies on convergent and divergent validity of newly developed scales measuring four personal orientations: agency, unmitigated agency, communion and unmitigated communion (Wojciszke & Szlendak, 2010). Agency correlated positively with emotional stability, extroversion, conscientiousness, happiness and satisfaction with close relationships. It correlated negatively with anxiety and depression. Unmitigated agency correlated positively with the A pattern of behavior, lack of agreeableness and competitive styles of conflict behavior (competitiveness, lack of cooperation and compromise). Communal orientation was positively correlated with extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness, happiness as well as with passion, intimacy and satisfaction with close relationships. Unmitigated communal orientation correlated positively with neuroticism, anxiety, depression, and lowered self-esteem as well as the abandonment of own goals in conflict situations.
Keywords:Agency, Communion, Personality, Conflict resolution styles

Cite this article as:

Wojciszke, B., Cieślak, M. (2014). Agentic and communal orientation: Correlates related to personality and social functioning. Psychologia Społeczna, 30, 285-297. doi: 10.7366/1896180020143002
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