Mariusz Trejtowicz, Katarzyna Jaśko,
Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University
The article presents two examples of causal inferences in which theoretical problems exclude a possibility to infer causal relations from effects of experimental manipulation. The first example is a causal inference through mediation analysis Particular emphasis has been placed on interpretation of direct, total and indirect effects in Structural Equation Modelling. The second example concerns the causal impact of a dependent variable on its own explanatory model. In this example estimation of the causal model parameters can be done through the Linear Mixed Model.
Keywords: causality, causal modelling, causal process analysis, mediation analysis, Structural Equation Modelling, Linear Mixed Model, statistics, methodology
Cite this article as:
Trejtowicz, M., Jaśko, K. (2010). Causal Analysis beyond the experimental method. Two examples of the nonexperimental causal models (with statistical solutions). Psychologia Społeczna, 14, 260–272.