Małgorzata Styśko
Faculty of Psychology, Warsaw University
Intuition and literature on attribution of blame let us expect that membership of the perpetrator to the negatively stereotypized category should increase tendency to blame him. However, some research argue that it is not the rule. In some circumstances the person of that kind of category is judged similarly or even more favorably to someone out of that category. In the article I discuss three processes underlying those phenomena: the systematic processing, correction (overcorrection) of the judgment and an alternative way of using stereotype-knowledge by application of the belief that members of that category rarely occurs in the social reality of the observer.
Keywords: defensive attribution, attribution of responsibility, blaming, stereotypes, probability of intergroup interaction, stereotype control, coping with negative emotions
Cite this article as:
Styśko, M. (2006). On the unbiased and the favourably biased judgments towards harmdoer's belonging to the negatively stereotyped category. Psychologia Społeczna, 2, 53-62.