Agnieszka Czerw
Anna Borkowska
The article focuses on the sense of social mission, considered a factor that influences choice of a profession and work performance. The concept of social mission as related to professional occupation has been defined and jobs with social mission were compared to another group of jobs, known in Poland as the „social profit jobs”. The article presents a study of a group of individuals (N=197) executing one of the social mission jobs (teachers, healthcare) and employees of other professions (N=175). A specially designed method measuring the individual’s sense of a mission has been used.. The results show that employees in professions with social mission indeed displayed a higher sense of a mission than employees in other professions. Moreover, the sense of a mission showed positive relationship with work satisfaction.
Keywords: Social mission, job satisfaction, job execution
Cite this article as:
Czerw, A., Borkowska, A. (2010). Sense of social mission at work - cultural norm or psychological reality?. Psychologia Społeczna, 15, 303-315.