Paweł Smółka
The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Institute of Applied Psychology
Academic psychologists can counteract the use of empirically unsupported and potentially dangerous therapeutic practices not only by criticizing them, but also by inspiring practitioners and educating their patients and clients. The „Academe” should propose, as an alternative to „pop-psychological” approaches, empirically validated therapeutic techniques and training programs to practitioners and inspire them to practice in accordance with an evidence-based approach. Moreover, academics should inform and educate people, potential clients of psychological services, about evidence-based, effective, and safe therapeutic and training approaches.
Keywords: scientific psychology, psycho-business, scientist-practitioner model, evidence-based practice
Cite this article as:
Smółka, P. (2008). How can academic psychologists counteract the dissemination of malpractices on the market of psychological services?. Psychologia Społeczna, 9, 366-369.