Kinga Piber-Dąbrowska
Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Grzegorz Sędek
Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences
In our comments we discuss three aspects of the conception that proposes to distinguish the agent and recipient perspectives in social perception processes. First, we note that the relations between agent and recipient might often be of a more indirect than direct nature. Second, we underline the importance of differentiating intentional and automatic processes, especially from the agent perspective. Third, we suggest that new theoretical developments within classical research on actor-observer differences seem to be sufficient to explain the bulk of the reported research findings and, thus, the additional distinction between agent and recipient perspectives might be somewhat misleading.
Keywords: direct and indirect relations, intentional and automatic processes, actor-observer difference
Cite this article as:
Piber-Dąbrowska, K., Sędek, G. (2006). From the symbiotic perspective: Comments on Bogdan Wojciszke and Wiesław Baryła's conception of social perception processes. Psychologia Społeczna, 1, 67-71.