Wojciech Kulesza
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty in Poznań
Over the last few decades research into the psychology of compliance and social influence has resulted in the discovery of new methods for influencing the behavior of others. Inspiration for further research may be found in the area of mimicry, and, especially, the chameleon effect phenomenon. The main goal of present article is to review experiments from that specialization within social psychology, and to highlight links between mimicry, the chameleon effect, social influence, and compliance.
Keywords: chameleon effect, mimicry, imitation, compliance, social influence
Cite this article as:
Kulesza, W. (2017). The powerful chameleon: The review of the chameleon effect studies in the scope of social influence techniques. Psychologia Społeczna, 40, 56-73. doi: 10.7366/1896180020174006