Romana Kadzikowska-Wrzosek
Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty in Sopot
The article comments on the issue of agency in contemporary psychology introduced by Joanna Trzópek in the key article. In my commentary I contend that a valid definition of free will in psychology should derive from the philosophical tradition known as compatibilism. I discuss the issue of agency as related to the problem of consciousness . I cite results that show that a goal pursuit can also operate on an unconscious level. In conclusion, I suggest to shift the focus of interest from the issue of whether the unconscious nature of regulation precludes subjectivity to identification of mechanisms through which unconscious and conscious processes may insert their effects on human action.
Keywords: agent, determinism, compatibilism, social cognition, action control, unconscious processes
Cite this article as:
Kadzikowska-Wrzosek, R. (2012). Determinism, unconscious volition and subjectivity. Psychologia Społeczna, 21, 140-150.