Wojciech Błaszczak
Institute of Psychology, Maria CurieSkłodowska University, Lublin
The paper presents data concerning affective consequences of experiencing emotional seesaw that is after inducing oppositevalence emotions. It was predicted that different emotional state will follow evoking emotions opposite in valence. Independent variable was the valence of emotions induced: no emotions vs positive vs negative vs positive then negative vs negative then positive. Emotional state was measured by observing participants emotional expression and indicating subjectively experienced level of positive and negative affect. Participants were 150 people (75 women and 75 men). The pattern of results in a group where oppositevalence emotions were induced (one immediately after the other) was similar to the group where no emotions were evoked level of positive affect was higher then level of negative affect. The results were interpreted with reference to model of dynamic affect, evaluative space model and excitation transfer theory.
Keywords: dynamic of emotions, emotional seesaw, affective consequences
Cite this article as:
Błaszczak, W. (2013). Emotional seesaw: Affective consequences of inducing emotions opposite in valence. Psychologia Społeczna, 26, 262–276.