Katarzyna Adamczyk
Institute of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University
Monika Wysota
Institute of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University
The aim of the study was to investigate whether identity dimensions distinguished in the dual-cycle model of identity formation can be predictive for young adults’ marital beliefs. Dimensions of Identity Development Scale and the Marital Meaning Inventory were administered to the sample of 291 students (155 females and 136 males) aged 20-25 years. A hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyse the data. The results indicated that exploration in breadth was predictive for belief in Special status of marriage, and identification with commitment was predictive for Mutuality. In addition, individuals’ representing Moratorium cluster agreement with the perception of marriage as a key means of meeting one’s needs was weaker than that of individuals representing Achievement cluster and Ruminative moratorium cluster. Furthermore, individuals representing Diffusion cluster agreed weakly with notion of marriage as being compatible with (or even promoting) maintaining clear individual identities than individuals representing Achievement cluster. Individuals’ representing Foreclosure cluster agreement with viewing marriage as a relationship perfectly fit for soul mates or inherently full of agreement and spontaneity was stronger than that of individuals representing Undifferentiated cluster. Sex was not found to be predictive for marital beliefs.
Keywords: Identity Dimensions; Identity Statuses; Marital Beliefs; Young Adults
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Adamczyk, K., Wysota, M. (2015). An Investigation of the Predictive Role of Identity Dimensions for Young Adults' Marital Beliefs Psychologia Społeczna, 35, 409–418. doi: 10.7366/1896180020153504